Care tips

With the greatest care we deliver our Red Naomi roses to our clients, in order to guarantee  an optimal vaselife to the consumer. We have finetuned everything in our production process in such a way that our roses have the potential to live on avaradge 3 days longer than the roses from the competition.

Our advice

  • Put the rose on water as soon as possible after purchase.Use a clean, disinfected (e.g. chlorine) vase with water and cutflower nutrients.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut 4-5 cm of the rose stems at an angle (also in bouquets!)
  • Remove leaves from the stems so that no leaves are below the water level.
  • Never scrape the skin off the stems since this will lead to increased bacterial growth.
  • Place the vase of roses in a draught-free location to prevent them from becoming limp.
  • Never place a vase of roses in the sun.
  • Change the water regularly and prevent it from becoming cloudy!